Hearing Loss from Construction Sites’ Noise Exposure – Check out the Stats

Hearing Loss from Construction Sites’ Noise Exposure – Check out the Stats

Construction sites and noisy and the ones working there are constantly exposed to loud machinery, crushing, drilling and banging sounds. It might be a usual thing for a construction worker, but as life progresses, you will start to notice that you are not able to hear certain sounds as well as you used to. In some cases you might feel your hearing is perfect but it would seem as if your family and friends have started to mumble more than usual. It might seem like a new normal to you but the real reason might be hearing loss due to your occupation. 

Every construction worker is required to wear protective earpieces at all times while they are at work to prevent tinnitus, deafness or other hearing-related issues. It is the duty of the employer to make sure that everyone is made available the hearing protective gear and regular health checkups are conducted to ensure everyone is healthy. Failing to do so holds the employer liable for any kind of hearing loss that you experience. 

Construction Workers’ Occupational Hearing Loss

Occupational hearing loss refers to as a partial or full reduction of a person’s hearing which is caused due to the noise exposure at their workplace. Being exposed to loud noises each day can destroy the nerve endings that are located in a person’s inner ear. Working without ear protection has a high chance of giving a worker permanent loss of hearing. Loss of hearing is unfortunately irreversible even with the medical advancement we have today. Hearing loss means that your complete life is turned upside down. Your relationship with your friends and family develops issues as you are not able to hear them properly, chances of meeting with an accident increases as you can’t hear an approaching vehicle, your work-life goes for a six, etc. 

Statistics of Hearing Loss 

As many as 51% of all construction workers are exposed to hazardous noise and 52% of those noise exposed construction workers report of not wearing hearing protection gear. Statistics also reveal that 16% of the noise-exposed construction workers on being tested reported hearing impairment in both ears.  

Your Hearing Loss may be worse than you think

Hearing loss has a serious impact on your future and your family. The lost power of hearing can’t be reversed; it can only be assisted through the use of a hearing aid. Many times the construction workers don’t even get to know until much later that they are not able to hear properly. Every employer of a construction site must provide proper safety gear to all their employees to ensure that their workplace is healthy and safe. Failure in doing so may constitute a serious act of negligence on the part of the employer. If you or a known has suffered loss of hearing, know that you don’t have to deal with it alone; Siler & Ingber’s personal injury lawyer team is always there for you. 

Get compensation for your injuries or hearing loss

If you have been exposed to unreasonable levels of sound at a construction site and believe that negligence has caused the loss of hearing, then you may be able to recover compensation.  Siler and Ingber have the most experienced team who have helped many individuals get the compensation they deserve. To learn more about the construction site hearing loss lawyer, contact Siler & Ingber today and get a free consultation.

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PROMOTION PERIOD: The Siler & Ingber Mineola MegaStar Contest begins on March 20, 2023 at 12:00 am ET and
ends on May 1, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET.

ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible, a MegaStar must be a legal U.S. resident at least 16 years of age as of date of
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TO PARTICIPATE: During the Promotion Period, Siler & Ingber will accept from the members of the public (herein, the “Nominators”) nominations of Eligible Entrants (Mineola Megastars) who live or works in Mineola. Nominations may be entered by visiting www.nylawnet.com/mineolamegastar and completing the online form and essay submission or by emailing photo and essay to marketing@nylawnet.com during the Promotion Period to receive one (1) entry. Essay must not exceed 500 words. Acceptable essay formats are word documents or pdf ONLY. Nominations submitted without all required information or after the Promotion Period will be disregarded.
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1) an inspiring example to others by helping make Mineola a better place to live (through volunteerism, extra-curricular actives, special projects, giving back, etc.)

2) going above and beyond to aid a friend, family member, stranger or community in a time of need; and/or

3) love of profession and desire, determination and diligence to help outside of normal job responsibilities. The essay must be in English and no more than 500 words. All information provided must be truthful, accurate and complete. An Entrant cannot nominate more than one Hero.

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