Today’s new drugs can become tomorrow’s legal actions when medications injure patients. You trusted the drug manufacturer to ensure the quality and safety of its product, and you trusted health agencies to investigate potential dangers prior to the drug’s approval. If you’ve been injured by a defective drug, you have a right to file a personal injury claim.
While you may be hesitant to trust someone else after what you’ve experienced, you can be sure that the attorneys at Siler & Ingber, LLP have done their research. We’ve likely already heard about the defective drug you took, and we know how to win you the compensation you need to recover.
Your Long Island defective drug lawyer will help you understand the full value of your claim and fight for justice on your behalf.
Companies have a duty to protect their consumers from harm. When they don’t, a product liability case could arise. Drug companies have become infamous for their willingness to put dangerous medications on the consumer market, which can lead to serious injury or illness for anyone who ingests them.
Although drugs undergo a rigorous approval process with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), manufacturers are still found negligent for any products that cause injury to consumers outside of clearly labeled side effects.
Your Long Island defective drug attorney will maximize the value of your claim by helping you identify everyone who played a role in producing and marketing the dangerous medication that hurt your health.
In addition to drug manufacturers, you may also be able to name the following parties:
If you have experienced the dangerous side effects of a defective drug, you might be entitled to compensation. To find out whether your case is eligible for compensation and to get help receiving what you’re owed, you’ll need an experienced legal ally backing you up every step of the way.
The attorneys at Siler & Ingber, LLP are ready to provide the help you need. To schedule a consultation with a Long Island defective drug lawyer, contact us by calling 1-516-294-2666 or filling out the online contact form at the bottom of this page.