How can an Elevator Accident Lawyer Help you?

Elevators can be seen in residential areas, malls, offices and mostly in all places with more than 2 to 3 floors. Millions of people use elevators on a daily basis as these make our lives much easier. Even though elevators are safe and mostly function properly but they can also be terrifyingly dangerous when they […]

What Are The Types Of Damages that Can Be Recovered In A Personal Injury Case?

The initial step in every personal injury lawsuit is to establish negligence. The plaintiff must then establish the other party’s negligence directly caused their injury, which is known as causation. The injured party must then decide what damages they are attempting to recover in the settlement. There are two basic categories of recoverable damages in […]

Can A Homeowner Be Liable for Contractor’s Injuries?

Contractor Injuries-min

A contractor and his team’s job is tough and tricky. Every homeowner hires contractors to get repair work done in their home. There might be the renovation of the kitchen required or a leaking ceiling that needs repair. No matter if the project is big or small, you would need to hire professionals for the […]

The “Shocking” Truth behind Electrician Safety

Electrician Safety

The Human body is a strong conductor of electricity because it is mostly composed of water. An individual experiences electric shocks when a part of their body which includes the skin, muscles or even hair come in contact with an electricity source, causing the current to pass through the body.  The shocking truth or the […]

The most common slip and fall injuries

If you’re out and about either at someone’s house, at a restaurant, in the mall, or even on the sidewalk, your safety is paramount. The onus of the visitor’s safety lies on the owner or the person in-charge. However, if proper standards are not maintained then it can make one vulnerable to injuries, most often […]

Filing a Personal Injury Claim if You’re an Undocumented Immigrant

Undocumented immigrants are often under the impression that they have absolutely no legal rights in the United States. This is a huge misconception because immigration status does not impact a person’s ability to ask for settlement in case of a personal injury caused to them due to someone’s negligence. It’s important to know that the […]

Injuries at a Construction Site: All You Need to Know

The construction industry is one of the largest hiring sectors in the United States. However, a construction site is incomplete without two key components – equipment and manpower. It is important that the manpower engaged is well trained and qualified to work on a construction site and at the same time, the equipment is safe […]

Knowing the Status of Your Personal Injury Claim Amid COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic put the world on a standstill. However, that cannot stop accidents and injuries to occur that put people’s lives at risk. In such a scenario, what does this mean for a personal injury claim. Moreover, if you have an ongoing personal injury claim, it is important to know the implications due to […]

Line of Duty Injuries – Police Officers, Firefighter, EMS/Paramedics

First responders, that is, police officers, firefighters, EMTs, and other emergency responders, put themselves at risk everyday to save lives of fellow New Yorkers who are in danger. These injuries can lead to long-term implications for their health as well as their employment. Some accidents and resultant injuries can leave them unable to do their […]

Shoulder Injuries: Things You Need to Know when Consulting a Lawyer

Shoulder injuries are a common occurrence in children and adults alike. It is so because the shoulders are one of the most moveable joints in the body, making them vulnerable to injuries. Statistics suggest that more than 7.5 million people seek medical care for a shoulder injury in the United States every year. Any sort […]