Seat Belt Law to Change in New York State on November 1, 2020

From November 1, 2020, a change in the New York state law mandates all front and back seat car passengers to wear seat belts. The new regulation also requires a properly fitted car seat for all children under the age of eight. The revised law applies to privately-owned cars, cabs, Uber, and Lyft. Here’s why […]

Relevant Evidence Needed for a Car Accident Case

Car accidents are a common occurrence in America and New York is home to numerous car accidents due a high population of drivers. Reports and data show that nearly 19,000 accidents in New York occur per month, which equals nearly 670 accidents every single day.  Accidents are often a result of someone else’s negligence. A […]

Can you Sue A Bar for Overserving and Allowing Drunk Driving?

Bars popping up in every nook and corner in New York state has sure given a boost to our social lives, but it has also contributed to instances of drunk driving. Numbers show that in New York state alone about 1.7 million drivers cause nearly 31 million incidents of drinking and driving each year. And […]

5 Types of Accidents You May Need An Injury Lawyer

When we get injured and think of taking a legal route, we often think of hiring a personal injury law firm. While most injury law firms may be able to help, you should consider hiring a firm that has the trial experience and results of winning cases specific to the type of accident you have […]

Accident at a Construction Site – Trends, Causes, and Workers’ Rights

Everywhere we look around, we see buildings and construction. As cities grow, so does the demand for infrastructure. But who builds buildings? It’s people among us who we see every day working hard in the heat and cold to make us dazzling offices and cozy homes. But do you know that the construction industry is […]

Can My License Be Suspended After a New York Car Accident?

When it comes to license suspensions after a New York car accident, there are countless suspensions that go by unnoticed by many innocent citizens. There’s no doubt about it that an individual’s license will be suspended if they are found to be at fault for a hit-and-run accident, or any fatal collision, but even law-abiding […]

How To Get A Rental Car After A New York Accident

There are many setbacks associated with car accidents, and one of your main concerns after your medical treatment will always be to have your vehicle repaired or replaced depending on how severe the sustained property damage was. Car repairs can end up costing a lot more than most people would assume, so it’s always alarming […]