Mistakes after an Auto Accident

Mistakes after an Auto Accident - Nylawnet

When you are injured in an auto accident, you under a lot of suffering, be it physical, emotional, mental or even financial. If the accident is due to the other person’s negligence then the law allows you to claim compensation for your suffering and the losses incurred during the accident. After the accident how you […]

Construction Site Accidents – Measures to Prevent Them

Construction Site Accidents – Measures to Prevent Them

Being a construction worker is a dangerous job. Every year thousands of people get injured or die in construction site accidents. It is impossible to control all unsafe conditions at a construction site but still, the employees, operators and property owners can take some preventive steps to prevent accidents at the sites where construction is […]

Red Traffic Light means Stop – Do Not Run a Red Traffic Light

Do Not Run a Red Traffic Light

Red Light collisions are the types of traffic accidents that can be easily prevented and are also the most common kind of accidents that happen in an intersection. The purpose of traffic lights or red lights is to manage traffic and keep the ones on the road safe. There are quite many drivers who adhere […]

Pedestrian Accidents on a Rise in New York

Pedestrian Accidents on a Rise in New York

Every single day we hear of pedestrian accidents in New York. It has been observed lately that the traffic accident rates have skyrocketed as a result of more and more pedestrians in New York wearing headsets or headphones or fiddling with their phones while walking on the road. In the past decade the number of […]

Falls from Ladder

Falls from Ladder

The ladder is a useful piece of equipment but it is also one of the most dangerous things we tend to use daily in our lives. Ladders are used in homes, at construction sites, hospitals, malls, grocery stores etc. In workspaces like construction sites or stores, accidents that are related to ladders are a consistent […]

Electric Bike Accidents

Electric Bike Accidents

Electric Bikes have grown in popularity and number in the past few years. As the electric bikes on the road are increasing, the accidents involving them are rising too. These bikes are very easy to ride and offer smoother rides compared to other bikes. These are faster and very less effort is required by the […]

Memorial Day Dangers

Memorial Day is just around the corner and people along with their families are getting on the road to meet their friends and loved ones. For a lot of folks, the upcoming Memorial Day weekend would mean their first road trip of the season or a vacation they embark on after a long time. After […]

Distracted Driving – The Major Reason of Many Accident Injuries

The cars nowadays are becoming more and more digitally advanced with the passing of time. As interactive technology finds its way into the cars that we drive, the probability of getting distracted while driving increases. In New York the vehicle accidents caused by distracted driving injures hundreds and thousands each year and claims the lives […]

Head Injury Attorney in New York

Head Injuries are dangerous and should be taken very seriously as even a sub-concussive blow to the head or mild concussion can have long-lasting consequences. Injuries to the head can impact the mobility of the body and much of its functions. The mental abilities can also get affected after you’ve suffered a head injury. For […]

Hearing Loss from Construction Sites’ Noise Exposure – Check out the Stats

Construction sites and noisy and the ones working there are constantly exposed to loud machinery, crushing, drilling and banging sounds. It might be a usual thing for a construction worker, but as life progresses, you will start to notice that you are not able to hear certain sounds as well as you used to. In […]