What to Do if You Get Injured in a Store?

A routine shopping trip to your favorite store can turn into a nightmare if you end up injuring yourself at the store, especially with no fault of your own. And, this is more common than you think. The last available data suggests that in the United States, approximately 85000 store-related injuries occur each year. This […]

What To Do After You’re In An Accident While Ride sharing

Ride sharing services such as Uber and Lyft have become the “go-to” choice for many New Yorkers. And, why not? They’re an easy, convenient, quick and feasible way to travel in a busy city without the hassle of going in a bus/train or parking your own vehicle. These ridesharing apps are responsible for millions of […]

How Does a Lawyer Arrive at the Value of a Claim?

Often after suffering an injury due to someone’s negligence, we hire a personal injury attorney to help us navigate through the complexities of the law and guide us on the best way forward and get the compensation we deserve for our sufferings.  But have you ever wondered how a lawyer arrives at the value of […]

Fitness Equipment Injuries

A recent spike in Peloton injuries is causing safety experts to sound the alarm for any Americans looking to up their fitness game. In May 2021, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (C.P.S.C) announced a recall of Peloton’s two treadmill models (the Tread and Tread+) after 72 injury reports surfaced of adults, children, and pets becoming pulled under the […]

The Average Settlement for A Broken Collarbone After an Accident

Click Here To Calculate Settlement The collarbone, also known as the clavicle, is an important part of the body. Needless to say, any injury to it causes immense pain as well as impacts the ability to partake in day-to-day activities. It also restricts movement and has long-term implications. Injury to the collarbone is due to […]

What Constitutes OSHA Violations?

If you’re an employee in the United States, it is important that you orient yourself with the Occupational Safety and Health Hazard Administration (OSHA). OSHA is a federal government agency. Its aim is to ensure safe and healthy working conditions for employees. It involves implementing certain safety standards as well as providing timely and updated […]

An Overview of Car Accident Cases in Nassau County

New York and all its boroughs are witnessing a rise in car accident cases. However, the trends vary for every borough. Let us have a look at what happens in Nassau County with respect to car accidents. As per data released in 2018: A total of 40,306 car crashes were reported in Nassau County.  As […]

Fatal Four Construction Accidents #2: Struck-By Accidents

Struck-by accidents are the leading cause of nonfatal injuries in the construction industry and the second most common cause of workplace fatalities among the Fatal Four Hazards. In 2018, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (O.S.H.A.) reported that at least 112 workers were killed when struck by an object on the job, accounting for 11.1 percent of construction […]

An Overview of Car Accident Cases in Manhattan

New York and all its boroughs are witnessing a rise in car accident cases. However, the trends vary for every borough. Let us have a look at what happens in Manhattan with respect to car accidents. As per data released in February 2020: A total of 3,922 car crashes were reported in Manhattan.  As a […]