For the second year in a row, our team and partners of Siler & Ingber, LLP will be present at the Cops Who Care Food Drive. Similar to last year, we want to donate more than just money. We want to go all-hands-in and provide food and clothing for those who need it most. Therefore, we will be handing out hams and turkeys, and meeting and greeting people in the community.
Last year’s food drive was a huge success. Not only were we able to spread the message of how important giving back to our community is, but we spread awareness about hunger issues that are present right in our backyards. The food drive also demonstrated how dedicated our local police force is to bettering our Long Island communities.
This year, we’ll be giving away winter clothing items. Currently, our team is running a drive to collect new scarves, gloves, hats, and socks to hand out at Cops Who Care.
We are honored and grateful that we can give back to our community for the second year in a row. “It’s so easy to get caught up in the daily motions and not realize that there are people who need the help and support of others,” said Partner, Ronald Ingber. “Supporting this event means being able to connect with those around us and letting them know that we’re there for them when it matters most. The least we could do was spend a few hours providing food and warm clothes for our fellow neighbors in the community. These winter months are full of holidays about celebration, family, friends, and togetherness. We want to let them know that we haven’t forgotten about them and that we’re all connected,” he continued.
For more information about the Cops Who Care Food Drive, please read below:
Date: Thursday, December 20th
Time: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Address: Iglesia Roca De Salvación Church, 368 American Boulevard, Brentwood NY
Free turkeys and hams will be distributed to families in need (limited supply, one item per family)
We are very hopeful that this year will have an amazing turnout like last year. Serving food and giving warm clothes to struggling families within our community humbles us greatly.
Feel free to stop by the food drive and say hello!